Children, Adolescent and Youth Development (Education, Leadership, Skill, Moral and Cultural Behaviour)

Nearly 38.28% of Bangladesh’s total population is aged between 5 to 24 among 16.51 crore total population, while 19.11% are youth (15-24) (Bangladesh Population Census, 2022). A larger portion of them have limited scope to access quality early childhood development, quality education, knowledge and skills for self-development, income-generating activities, and employment opportunities. Among the 19.11% youth population, many of them are disadvantaged and lack access to opportunities including education, skills and employment. As a result, the youth become engaged in a variety of undesirable outcomes such as drug addiction, mental stress, suicide, and extremism.

The government of Bangladesh (GoB) has taken several strategies such as the 8th Five-year Plan (2022-2025) and the National Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 by aligning with the targets of SGDs 2030. By these strategies, GoB will ensure that all children, adolescents, and youth in Bangladesh will be able to enjoy a healthy life and productive life in a socially secure and supportive environment and promote children and youth development by enhancing accessibility to quality education, skill, and employment opportunities for all.

CODEC has always placed a high priority on working in the field of children and youth development by enhancing their education, leadership, skill, moral and cultural development. Education plays one of the most influential roles in changing social and economic issues in a society. All underprivileged children living in coastal and marginalized areas have the right to access education. Moreover, CODEC always prioritizes education programs especially child and adult education including formal and non-formal education of children. CODEC thrives for high-quality early childhood development and pre-primary, and primary education.

Currently, CODEC is implementing five development projects directly related to children,   adolescents, and youth development. Those are Shopnojatra (The Children Ambassador Project), Educate the Most Disadvantaged Children (EMDC), Showpner Thikana, Esho Shikhi and Maitree – PSN. Besides, the RAISE project and Cultural and Sports Programm (Adolescent Programme) of Micro-finance are worked for children, adolescents, and youth development. Through the projects, CODEC provides various support to 2,49,408 children, adolescents, and youth of which 38% are through various microfinance projects. CODEC provides primary and secondary education support, access to quality education, vocational training/IGA support, employment opportunities, and awareness of quality education among parents, caregivers, and community people.

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.