Since the commencement of CODEC, it has lived to work for improving the lives & health of the coastal people of Bangladesh. The very existence of CODEC is to limit the struggle in the lives of the coastal folks, and for that, it encourages any type of livelihood project that helps in improving the current situation. Although the fishery characterizes the typical coastal economy, agriculture is gaining momentum. But the coastal physical environment is negatively affected by increasing water and soil salinity, accompanied with drought and water scarcity in certain areas. CODEC’s Agricultural, Fishery, Dairy and Horticulture Value Chain aims to contribute to achieve food security, and reducing hunger and malnutrition through environmentally sustainable practices. Each family, depending on their resources and needs receives a u
To address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), “End poverty in all its forms everywhere,” and achieve the rest of the 16 goals, economic empowerment is one of the essential tools. By this time, it is provided with the Financial Inclusion and Microfinance Program, a tool for poverty alleviation and empowering the poor community. CODEC Microfinance programme is implementing social and economic activities by following all kinds of regulations to alleviate poverty of the disadvantage communities especially for the coastal communities.
CODEC Microfinance Programme is currently active in 2645 coastal villages in 71 Upazilas under 13 districts and implementing a wide variety of social and economic programmes. Operating from 114 branches, CODEC has been able to organize 7886 village organizations of poor and disadvantaged people covering women and men (93.84% women) up to June 2022. CODEC is operating its microfinance program with financial assistance from DANIDA, PKSF, Stromme Foundation, DFID, Netherland Embassy and CODEC’s fund.
Community Development Center (CODEC) got the license from Micro Credit Regulatory Authority to operate Micro Finance Programme. License Number is 01781-00048-00103 dated January 15, 2008.
Overall Objectives:
CODEC Microfinance Program plays a vital role in eradicating poverty and ensuring economic development for the poor, underprivileged fisherfolk, and other coastal communities. The objective of CODEC Micro Finance is
“Socio-Economic Empowerment of Coastal Communities through the provision of skills, entrepreneurship, savings and credit programme.”
Area of Operation:
CODEC operates its savings and credit programme activities in 13 districts. Those are – Chattogram, Laxmipur, Noakhali, Chandpur, Patuakhali, Barguna, Barisal, Jhalokathi, Bagerhat, Pirojpur, Gopalgonj, Khulna and Feni. The status of CODEC physical coverage under the CODEC Micro Finance Programme as of June 30, 2022, is as follow:
SL. No. | Head of Information | No. of Coverage |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. | Branch District Upazila Union Village Village Organization Household Member Savings in BDT (Million) Borrower Loan Portfolio in BDT (Million) OSS OTR PAR | 114 13 71 505 2645 7886 1,82,682 1,82,682 1902.96 1,40,073 4,565.92 145.37% 99.52% 4.07% |